Apple Script For Rake Post

Here is my usual routine to make a post for this blog:

  1. open the terminal

  2. type cd /Users/ChangeCheng/Documents…

  3. type rake post title=””

  4. open the finder step by step to reach _posts

  5. then open the newly created post

Now, I am tired of all those meaningless and boring routine, then I just make an apple script to finish all those steps. Here is my code:

	display dialog "Title of Post (use - as delimeter)" default answer ""
	set postTitle to text returned of result as text
	set curDate to current date
	set curYear to year of curDate
	set curMonth to month of curDate
	set curDay to day of curDate
	set Month_List to {January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December}
	set i to 1
	repeat while (item i of Month_List is not equal to curMonth)
		set i to i + 1
	end repeat
	if i < 10 then
		set i to "0" & i
	end if
	if curDay < 10 then
		set curDay to "0" & curDay
	end if
	set formatedDate to curYear & "-" & i & "-" & curDay & "-"
	do shell script "cd /Users/ChangeCheng/Documents/;rake post title=\"" & postTitle & "\""
	do shell script "open -a Mou /Users/ChangeCheng/Documents/" & formatedDate & postTitle & ".md"
end try

I tried to use records to pair months and their corresponding index, like set myRecord to {January:1,February:2}. However, it is quite query that records can’t be associated by variable, but only the key directly. For example, January of myRecord returns 1, but curMonth which equals to January instead will return error.

Anyway, it’s very quick and convenient to use a script, and I quite enjoy this!!

changecheng 06 November 2014
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